May 2015, a completely normal day and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. I made the worst decision by asking Dr. Google about it which leads me to heart-related diseases. The chest pain became worse and I had discomfort and shortness of breath all throughout which ended me up in the ER. Funny thing is that these physical symptoms disappear in front of my doctor. All tests came back normal and was later dismissed. My mind wanted to believe I'm okay but my body's telling me a different story. I wasn't convinced so I continued diagnosing myself online which again sends me another trip to the ER. This time I was assured that I am okay.
June 2015, I was playing DotA 2 and suddenly felt weakness in my arms and realized it's a sign to take a rest. The very next day the weakness became worse and I'm getting dizziness, feeling off balanced and my legs feel rubbery. This went on for weeks and yes, Dr. Google again to the rescue and diagnosed me with ALS! I also had muscle twitching all over and was convinced that I am dying. I've been to countless doctors which all gave me medicine for vertigo, which is extremely not the case and came up with the conclusion that not all doctors can be trusted. Finally I consulted a neurologist and told me I don't have ALS and was later scheduled for series of tests to rule out this killer disease and give comfort in my mind. But that didn't ease me.
All this shit have been going on through my mind and living a normal life is extremely difficult! I'm losing weight and attracted more diseases. What made it even worse is that I get ZERO support from my family and in fact they wish I'd just die. My girlfriend tried to help and be positive but later gave up on me. Now she adds up to my disappointment and proved how loser I am. But I can't blame them all. Right now I'm a loner. Crying helped me a bit but the fear never left. I'm trying to be positive but I just can't lie to myself!
I'm losing hope.